Wednesday, January 22, 2020

20 in 20 -- Make a new dessert

At work we were having a cultural dessert day and I decided I'd bring something German. Many German recipes are apple or plum based. I had an apple cake recipe that I could use but it required 2 cups of apples. I wasn't in the mood to peel and chop that many apples.

I searched Google and Pinterest for a week or so. I enlisted Stacy's help. She actually gave me a few good suggestions. One that I was contemplating making. Then I found the perfect recipe for Apfelkunchen. It was a basic butter cake recipe topped with apples.. 5 or 6 ingredients in all and the best part it called for 1 apple.

The only problem is that it's not apple season in Wisconsin. I picked up a couple galas because they were on sale. I usually bake with Macintosh.

This was probably one of the easiest cake recipes I made. Cream butter and sugar. Add a couple eggs. Add the flour and baking powder. Spread in springform pan. Peel and slice the apple then press into cake. Bake. Sprinkle with powder sugar. Eat.

Everyone at work said it was really good. It was the perfect texture. I would bake it just a tad bit less because the crust got crispy but it was it was very tasty. I thought it needed more apple flavor and maybe that's what I get for using Galas. Only 2 tiny pieces remained after I took home two pieces.

The hubby on the other hand wasn't overly impressed. He did say it was clearly a German dessert as it was blander than most apple cakes. He would try it again if I make it with Macintosh.

I'm hoping the Macintosh apples make a difference since it's such a simple cake. I was told it looked fancy all sprinkled with powder sugar. It would be perfect for a brunch or tea party.

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