Saturday, February 15, 2020

6682. Luge

The Titletown District and US Venture have sponsored the Titletown Winter Games for the last two years. One of the events you can try is luge. I've always wanted to try luge, skeleton, and bobsled. Those are among my favorites at the Winter Olympics. Skeleton and bobsled are actually on the original bucket list. Luge for some reason never made the original list.

Since the weather was supposed to be nice, Danielle and I planned on going to Green Bay for the winter games so I could luge. We get there and it started snowing.

I registered for the events and headed over to the luge which was being done on Arien's Hill. After a quick lesson in how to steer, I climb to the top of the hill carrying my luge. Unlike Olympic luge which is done on an icy, enclosed track, my luging adventure was done on a short, snow covered tubing hill. I probably wouldn't have attempted this if it was being done on an actual luge track.

One of the junior luge team members pushed me down the hill and off I went. I made it about half way down before I hit the wall and crashed. Apparently I forgot to lean into the wall as oppose to away from it. I walked the rest of the way down. I could feel the bruise already forming.

I did it. It was fun... but there was no video or pictures to prove I did this.

So I put my helmet back on, grabbed a new sled and head back up the hill. By this time there was a short wait to go down.

I should have skipped the proof and called it a day. My second run wasn't any better than the first. I made it about a 1/3 of the way down before crashing into the other wall. Again the whole lean into the wall is the bane of my existence.

But if you are going to wipe out, you might as well wipe out with style. I flipped the luge and slid a few feet on my stomach. One of the people in charge heard the thump when I hit the snow.

Okay so luge is not the sport for me. I was not going to try it a third time because either 3rd times a charm or 3 strikes and you're out. Knowing my luck, it would be the later one.

Despite the crashes, I had a blast. It was fast and fun. The hubby wasn't thrilled that I did this. I probably won't get to it again. However, if luge is on your bucket list head to Green Bay next winter for the Winter Games and give it a shot. Maybe you would actually make it down the hill.

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