Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 in Review

Looking back 2019 didn't quite go as planned. The hubby and I planned on an epic east coast baseball trip -- 4 teams in 4 days... and then Babe Ruth decided he needed to go to Alabama instead. Oh well. It was still a busy, fun year.

By the Numbers

21 Official Bucket List Adventures
16 States (3 New States)
215 Counties (75 new Counties)
6 State Capitols (5 Capitols)
7 States We Saw a Baseball Game in (3 new states)
2 NBA Games (1 new home team)
3 Spring Training Complexes (2 new complexes)
1 NHL Game
4 NFL Stadiums (3 New Stadiums)
2 MLB Stadiums (1 New Stadium)
4 Minor League Stadiums (3 New Stadiums)
3 College Football Stadiums (3 New Stadiums)
2 National Forests (1 New Forest)
3 National Parks (2 New National Parks)
2 Presidential Tombs
2 Wineries in 2 States (1 new state)
12 Counties in WI that I've seen a sporting event in (2 new counties)
3 Musicals
3 Movies in the Theater
2 Concerts
4 Breweries in WI
2 States we played Mini Golf in
3 States we ate ice cream in (1 new state)
5 States we ate pizza in (3 new states)
9 Author Visits (5 during Book Festival)

What a year. I have a feeling 2020 will be a lot less eventful.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Guitars and More Guitars

We went to see the Guitar Exhibit at the History Museum at the Castle. The hubby wanted to see it and it was going to be leaving at the end of the year.

Seriously it was 2 rooms of guitars. That's it.

The main room downstairs had various models of guitars throughout the 20th century through present day. It explained the history of that particular kind of guitar and who made it. There were a few cool ones like the 3-D printer one and the world's largest guitar. I was expecting guitars played by famous people.. there were 2 autographed ones and that was it. It was more about the history of the types of guitars. Snooze.

The second floor room was a bit more exciting as it different types of stringed instruments that are related to the guitar such as a sitar and ukulele. It was slightly more hands-on with some musical instruments you could play.

While we were there we did check out the Houdini Exhibit and the history of Appleton exhibits down in the basement both of which we've seen before.

Honestly I was not impressed and bored. It was not that interesting. The hubby found it interesting. I am not much of a music person so that might be part of my problem. The hubby thinks because we've been to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Country Music Hall of Fame that I'm a bit jaded and seen it all. Which is probably entirely true.

Personally I didn't think it was worth the $12 but the hubby did. Would I suggest you go see the exhibit before the end of the year? Yes but only if you find guitars and music interesting. Otherwise you'll be like me and think it's dumb. Heck still go, you might find it cool.

Monday, December 23, 2019

4734. Go to the Festival of Lights in Darboy

When I saw that Darboy Park was putting on a light display, I really wanted to check it out. Part of the problem, it was only open weekends the first couple of weeks after Thanksgiving and then open every night. Even then it was difficult to find a time with the holiday plans and basketball games.

I mentioned to the hubby Danielle and I were going to check out the Festival of Lights and he was like I'd like to do that too. So we pushed back the time we were going to go from 5 to 6 so the hubby could get home from his game. Gavin didn't want to go so it was just me and the hubby.

There is a small parking lot, street parking, or additional parking at the school. We got lucky and found a spot in the lot.

Admission is free but donations of $5/person were gladly accepted to make it bigger next year and support the Kiwanis's charities.

The light display winds around a path through the woods at Darboy Park. It is very nice plus has plenty of room for growth. Each of the different light display had a sponsor. Some displays were small but others were quite large. The path at times was icy but can be stroller friendly.

At the end you could finish Santa's workshop where Santa was waiting to hear wish lists from area kids. The trees inside Santa's workshop were decorated by area school kids.

It is a great idea and use for the park. The Appleton area doesn't have a display like this. I hope they keep it going and we will be back in future years.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Winter wagon Ride Through Hatten Park

When I saw that there was a chance I could finally cross "old fashion sleigh ride" off the bucket list, I advised Stacy that we may have to take a road trip to New London during cookie baking weekend. Of course she was game.

I kept watching the event on Facebook to see if it was going to be a sleigh ride or a wagon ride. It would be a wagon ride if there wasn't enough snow. I don't know what "enough snow" consisted of but it sure looked like we had enough here in Appleton. I decided to chance it.

Apparently there wasn't enough snow throughout the entire pack. The road through the park had bare spots so wagon rides it was. I was slightly disappointed since we drove 30+ minutes but a wagon ride would still be fun.

The event ran from 11 and 3 and we got there around 2:15. It was the perfect time to go since the crowds were already gone and we had a short wait time.

There were multiple wagons which could hold up to 8 to 10 people. There was also a few smaller wagons for a 2 to 4 people. Since Stacy and I weren't picky, we boarded the next wagon for a nice slow ride through Hatten Park.

It was a great day for a wagon ride. We got a slow horse so our ride took a bit longer but it was still a nice ride. The ride was probably 10-15 minutes through the wooden area of the park.

I would definitely do it again especially if I know there would be sleigh rides instead. I'm hoping come February, there is enough snow for sleigh rides in Hortonville. One day I will get my old fashion sleigh ride until then I'll just keep taking wagon rides. They still have jingle bells.

Friday, December 6, 2019

4732. See the live window mannequins in Neenah

Besides the Rudoph Run and the Christmas Tree Lighting, Neenah also has live mannequins in the downtown business on the First Friday in December as part of a Very Neenah Christmas. I've heard that the mannequins are very well done and everyone should check them out at least once.

Since we were already downtown for the run and the tree lighting, it only made sense to see the live mannequins.

Some were very well done and you won't know they were actual people.

Some were pretty good

Others weren't bad but as the night went on the mannequins got fidgety.

Because the live mannequins were the highlight of the evening, there were a ton of people trying to look at the mannequins and you literally followed the crowd. It is best to get right against the windows and stay there otherwise you're trying to look at the mannequins between people. Everyone was very pleasant and it was a nice evening to be out. Luckily downtown Neenah pretty much instructed you which way to go and everyone was, for the most part, headed in the same direction which helped.

Besides the mannequins, there were reindeer, carriage rides, and S'mores. I got chided for waving my fiery marshmallow around so Danielle could get a picture. Okay.. probably shouldn't do that in a group of people.

Overall it was a great evening. I would totally do it again even with all the people. If you ever get to check out live mannequins, do it. They are usually really amazing.

4731. Go to the Neenah Tree Lighting

I realized this year I have never been to a tree lighting.. well at least one that I remember. All these cozy Christmas romance books have a tree lighting in it. I wanted to go to one. Since the Rudolph Run ends at the Christmas Tree in Neenah, it was a perfect opportunity to attend the Christmas Tree Lighting.

So after finishing the Rudolph Run, we waited about 15 minutes for the tree lighting. In the meantime we ran into a coworker of mine and her dog. It was a chance for a few silly pictures while we waited.

Then the mayor said a few words...

We attempted to sing a few Christmas carols. It wasn't anything spectacular. I think it needed to be a bit more organized and maybe a choir or something to lead us.

Finally it was the countdown to the lighting.

3... 2... 1...

We have lights.

It was cheesy fun. It wasn't quite it I was hoping for but it was still fun. At least it wasn't cold.