Saturday, December 7, 2019

Winter wagon Ride Through Hatten Park

When I saw that there was a chance I could finally cross "old fashion sleigh ride" off the bucket list, I advised Stacy that we may have to take a road trip to New London during cookie baking weekend. Of course she was game.

I kept watching the event on Facebook to see if it was going to be a sleigh ride or a wagon ride. It would be a wagon ride if there wasn't enough snow. I don't know what "enough snow" consisted of but it sure looked like we had enough here in Appleton. I decided to chance it.

Apparently there wasn't enough snow throughout the entire pack. The road through the park had bare spots so wagon rides it was. I was slightly disappointed since we drove 30+ minutes but a wagon ride would still be fun.

The event ran from 11 and 3 and we got there around 2:15. It was the perfect time to go since the crowds were already gone and we had a short wait time.

There were multiple wagons which could hold up to 8 to 10 people. There was also a few smaller wagons for a 2 to 4 people. Since Stacy and I weren't picky, we boarded the next wagon for a nice slow ride through Hatten Park.

It was a great day for a wagon ride. We got a slow horse so our ride took a bit longer but it was still a nice ride. The ride was probably 10-15 minutes through the wooden area of the park.

I would definitely do it again especially if I know there would be sleigh rides instead. I'm hoping come February, there is enough snow for sleigh rides in Hortonville. One day I will get my old fashion sleigh ride until then I'll just keep taking wagon rides. They still have jingle bells.

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