Monday, December 23, 2019

4734. Go to the Festival of Lights in Darboy

When I saw that Darboy Park was putting on a light display, I really wanted to check it out. Part of the problem, it was only open weekends the first couple of weeks after Thanksgiving and then open every night. Even then it was difficult to find a time with the holiday plans and basketball games.

I mentioned to the hubby Danielle and I were going to check out the Festival of Lights and he was like I'd like to do that too. So we pushed back the time we were going to go from 5 to 6 so the hubby could get home from his game. Gavin didn't want to go so it was just me and the hubby.

There is a small parking lot, street parking, or additional parking at the school. We got lucky and found a spot in the lot.

Admission is free but donations of $5/person were gladly accepted to make it bigger next year and support the Kiwanis's charities.

The light display winds around a path through the woods at Darboy Park. It is very nice plus has plenty of room for growth. Each of the different light display had a sponsor. Some displays were small but others were quite large. The path at times was icy but can be stroller friendly.

At the end you could finish Santa's workshop where Santa was waiting to hear wish lists from area kids. The trees inside Santa's workshop were decorated by area school kids.

It is a great idea and use for the park. The Appleton area doesn't have a display like this. I hope they keep it going and we will be back in future years.

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