Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 in Review

Looking back 2019 didn't quite go as planned. The hubby and I planned on an epic east coast baseball trip -- 4 teams in 4 days... and then Babe Ruth decided he needed to go to Alabama instead. Oh well. It was still a busy, fun year.

By the Numbers

21 Official Bucket List Adventures
16 States (3 New States)
215 Counties (75 new Counties)
6 State Capitols (5 Capitols)
7 States We Saw a Baseball Game in (3 new states)
2 NBA Games (1 new home team)
3 Spring Training Complexes (2 new complexes)
1 NHL Game
4 NFL Stadiums (3 New Stadiums)
2 MLB Stadiums (1 New Stadium)
4 Minor League Stadiums (3 New Stadiums)
3 College Football Stadiums (3 New Stadiums)
2 National Forests (1 New Forest)
3 National Parks (2 New National Parks)
2 Presidential Tombs
2 Wineries in 2 States (1 new state)
12 Counties in WI that I've seen a sporting event in (2 new counties)
3 Musicals
3 Movies in the Theater
2 Concerts
4 Breweries in WI
2 States we played Mini Golf in
3 States we ate ice cream in (1 new state)
5 States we ate pizza in (3 new states)
9 Author Visits (5 during Book Festival)

What a year. I have a feeling 2020 will be a lot less eventful.

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