Friday, December 6, 2019

4731. Go to the Neenah Tree Lighting

I realized this year I have never been to a tree lighting.. well at least one that I remember. All these cozy Christmas romance books have a tree lighting in it. I wanted to go to one. Since the Rudolph Run ends at the Christmas Tree in Neenah, it was a perfect opportunity to attend the Christmas Tree Lighting.

So after finishing the Rudolph Run, we waited about 15 minutes for the tree lighting. In the meantime we ran into a coworker of mine and her dog. It was a chance for a few silly pictures while we waited.

Then the mayor said a few words...

We attempted to sing a few Christmas carols. It wasn't anything spectacular. I think it needed to be a bit more organized and maybe a choir or something to lead us.

Finally it was the countdown to the lighting.

3... 2... 1...

We have lights.

It was cheesy fun. It wasn't quite it I was hoping for but it was still fun. At least it wasn't cold.

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