Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Shakespeare in the Plaza

I love Shakespearean Theater but I hate reading Shakespeare. It is one of those art forms that needs to be live and not just read in a book during High School English. My brother acted in several Shakespearean plays in college and those were always great to go see. When Kimberly-Little Chute Library announced they were doing Shakespeare in the Plaza, I couldn't wait to attend.

Shakespeare in the plaza was exactly that. William Shakespeare performing in the plaza in front of the Little Chute Library. It was a one man show with plenty of audience participation -- before and during the show.

Before the show, William sauntered over by where I was sitting and introduced himself. I shook his hand and was chastised for it. Apparently it isn't polite for a male to touch a female's hand (that he wasn't betrothed to) back in William's day. I got a quick lesson in the proper way of being introduced to a male in the 1500's. I thought that was the end of that. William began his show and I sat back to enjoy it.

Pretty soon I was being singled out to go up on "stage" as the fair maiden. Of course I had to pretend to look the part and primped on stage to get into character. William demonstrated the fine art of introducing himself to the fair maiden -- by placing his hand under mine and bringing his head to down to lightly kiss the air above my hand.  I'm sure I was 50 shades of red by the time this was done.

The rest of show went by in a blur. He had audience members be characters in his plays.. a dog, Romeo.

At point two people were hurling 16th century insults back and forth at each other.

And to cap off the show, there was the epic sword fight scene from Romeo and Juliet.

Despite the cool weather, it was a great evening. I think the library was disappointed in the low turnout but for those that thought about going and let the weather sway their decision missed a good show. I know this was no where as amazing as Shakespeare in the Park in NYC or even Milwaukee is but for the little village of Little Chute, it was pretty darn exciting. I will be back the next they host an event like this. History, comedy, and swords what's not to like?

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