Saturday, August 19, 2017

Baseball Stadium Tour 2017 -- PNC Park

After realizing we've to all the National League Central Parks but Pittsburgh, PNC became on our short list of stadiums we wanted to visit this year. So when planning our trip home from Virginia, Pittsburgh was a logical choice since they were home.

You can take the train to the game. Not knowing where else to pick it up, we parked in one of the downtown garages and took the train for free. Parking was only $6.00. Getting into downtown was a treat with all the tunnels and construction. If we were ever to go back, I would definitely look into picking the train up farther out.

PNC park has a great view of the river and bridges. Again we sat upstairs behind home plate so we had this terrific view into downtown.

I wasn't overly impressed with the stadium... especially once it began to rain. We decided to head down to the main level in the bottom of the first when it started to rain. By the time we got off the elevator, we were in a rain delay. Everyone crowded into the main concourse which wasn't very wide so there was not a lot personal space or space to walk around. At one point in time we followed the beer vendor just because we would have a clear path through the stadium. We did have some decent pizza to eat because "I didn't want another hot dog". Luckily the rain delay was only about an hour or so.

Honestly, I don't remember much about the game. The hubby says there was at least one home run. Who hit it -- not a clue? Who won -- couldn't tell you. I know they played the Cardinals.

Miller Park has the racing sausages... the Nationals have the racing presidents... Pittsburgh has the racing perogies. Yup... people dressed up as Polish dumplings and ran around the warning track.

Not only did they have racing perogies, they also had this game where a fan was like Mario from Super Mario Bros and had to collect coins or something in the allotted time -- complete with a "pipe" to jump over.

It is always nice to see other ball parks. I am glad this one is off the list. I am not in any hurry to go back. Right now it probably ranks as my least favorite stadium that I've been to. But as we go to more and more stadiums, I am sure there will be others that I will not find very exciting either.

Now that we've seen all the NL Central parks, it's time to knock off the rest of the AL Central parks...

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