Thursday, May 16, 2024

7164. Have Wagyu Burger

 Wagyu beef is trendy lately. It is a special breed of beef from Japan that has extraordinary marbling and a rich buttery flavor. The hubby has always wanted to try Wagyu beef. Last year, I saw Wagyu burgers at Haen's but didn't buy them since we just had burgers the previous week. He was like you should have got them. I did not see them again. I love every time we went to Haens. Then the hubby comes home with a pack of Wagyu burgers. 

The burgers were sold in 3 packs at $10.99/lb. Each pack is about a pound. The hubby thought was reasonable. We changed our meal plan for the week and added Wagyu burgers to the menu.

We fired up the griddle grill and grilled the Wagyu burgers. They grilled up wonderfully with very little grease.

The taste was wonderful. It was very lean. The hubby thought it reminded them about elf. It was not greasy at all.

We definitely will pick up Wagyu burgers again. Maybe we will even get some Wagyu steaks in the future. If you ever see Wagyu burgers or beef, pick up some. You will not regret it. 

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