Tuesday, May 21, 2024

683. Lay and daydream in meadow

 Some days I wonder where I ever came up with some of the stuff on the original bucket list. Lay and daydream in a meadow is one of them. Maybe Girl Scout camp? Maybe a movie? Who knows but I was determined to cross it off the bucket list this year.

Last year, I stumbled upon what could be considered a meadow in Sunset Park in Kimberly. I checked with my sources and they agreed it would work for the bucket list. Problem was I never really got back to Sunset Park. I didn't find driving to the park just to lay in the grass all that exciting. I still don't but it was something easy to cross off.

Where is the meadow? It is on the way to the lower diamond. There is a small parking after the meadow you can park in and then walk the trail back to the meadow. There is a small, grassy path that leads to the meadow. Most of the meadow is uncut so the grass is higher. I stayed on the shorter grass to avoid disturbing as much wildlife as possible and creepy crawlies as possible. 

How long does one daydream for? According to Stacy "long enough to have one complete thought". This really doesn't seem like a long time. Since I was on a walk through the park, I did not spend much time daydreaming. I did put together a few complete thoughts.

What I learned: The grass was wet after the rain. I am so not a daydreamer. I don't mind laying in the grass and reading. However laying there and doing nothing but letting my mind wander, not so much. I was thinking of other things like how much more I have to walk and how to sneak into softball. I did enjoy laying in the grass.. the daydreaming and worrying about random people wandering by, not so much.

I did it. Would I do it again? Maybe if it was the right time and place. It could also be a good stress reliever or a way to get your kids to disconnect from technology for a bit. You could do it in your backyard. 

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