Saturday, January 6, 2024

24 in 2024: Play at Least one new game -- Monopoly Deal

 While killing time on Thanksgiving, I was a reading a post by Jen Mann about Christmas Gifts. It included the game Monopoly Deal. I checked it out on Amazon and saw it was $2.49. I bought it on a whim. Playing regular Monopoly can take forever and we don't even own the game. The hubby I used to play games when we were dating and still do occasionally. I thought this would be a good way to spend a winter night.

The game, once you learn the rules, is quite easy. Be the first to acquire 3 full sets of proprieties of different colors. There are wild cards that make other players pay as well as cards that tell others to pay you rent.

I won the first game only because the hubby was still getting the hang of it. Once he figured it out, watch out. He beat me like 5 straight. There is some strategy to it. With 2 people, it's a bit easier to strategize. The more people you have, the more cut-throat it could become. I warned Heather that there would probably be tears and fights at her house with this game.

The only downfall is trying to get the cards back in the box when you're done. You have to split the cards in half and stack them bottom to top. I will probably eventually just put them in a bag like our UNO cards.

We will definitely play it again. I may toss it in my bag to bring on vacation to give us something to do at night. 

If you are looking for a fun game for all ages, this is a fun one. Depending on how many people and how good you are at shuffling it can be quick or it can take a while. We have never ran out cards yet. 

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