Monday, January 1, 2024

24 in 2024

I managed to complete about half of my 23 in 2023 list last year. A couple I really had good intentions about doing but life go in the way or I just ran out of time. This year I decided to keep it vague and hope for the best

1. Have at least one adventure every month -- big, small, repeat. It doesn't matter. I just want to have adventures.2. Shop local at least one new shop3. Read at least 12 non-fiction books4. Watch at least one movie a month5. Explore at least one new park or trail6. Try at least one new restaurant7. Play at least one new game8. Make at least one new recipe9. Visit at least one new brewery10. Visit at least one new winery11. Walk/bike/hike at least 400 miles12. See at least one live performance 13. Visit at least one new baseball stadium (major, minor or spring training)14. Try at least one new cocktail15. Try at least one new coffee shop/cafe16. Buy myself flowers at least once -- I just want pretty flowers 17. Go to at least one book signing/author talk18. Watch Gone With the Wind -- I just read a book about Hattie McDaniel who played Mammie and now would like to read it.19. Read a comic book -- The hubby has a stack of comic books sitting on the coffee table. I better knock this one out before he sells them on E-bay20. Try a new food21. Get at least one stamp in my NPS passport22. Complete a 5K every month.. official or just for fun -- A walk of 3.1 counts in my book23. Complete the 50 state book challenge24. Get at least one stamp in all 6 of my baseball passports (Spring Training, Big Book, Baseball Attractions, Brewers, Minor League, and T-Rats)

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