Monday, January 1, 2024

24 in 2024 -- Try at least one new recipe: Beer Cheese Dip

 The hubby and I have struggled to find the perfect beer cheese dip. I suck at making roux because I'm too impatient. Stovetop cheese beer dip isn't my forte. Stacy mentioned using cream cheese instead of a roux. I found an easy crock pot recipe that didn't sound bad and decided to give it a try since we had a giant pretzel in the freezer.

Ingredients -- I cut this down to a 1/3 of a recipe since it was only the two of us

  • Cream Cheese
  • Cheddar Cheese -- Use good cheese. I did not,
  • Lager -- I seriously was looking for a straight lager. I didn't realize lager encompasses so many different types of beer. We used Sam Adams because it was Boston Lager. I didn't want Miller Lite or Bud Lite because I wanted to be able to drink the beer. Not a fan of those.
  • Dijon Mustard
  • Red Pepper Flakes
  • Garlic Powder
  • Salt

Toss everything in the crockpot and cook for an hour. 

It was okay. 

I think we need a milder beer (less beer) and better cheese. It had too much of a beer taste and not enough of a cheese taste. The hubby really wasn't a fan but I think I have a starting point to continue to experiment.

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