Saturday, April 1, 2023

Checking out the Titletown Train Show

The hubby mentioned that there was a model railroad show in Green Bay coming up. After a bit of Googling, I saw that the KI Convention Center was hosting the Titletown Train Show Apr 1-2. Since the hubby was free, he wanted to check it out.

The Train show was $7/person at the door. You could have a saved a dollar by getting your tickets ahead of time at Green Bay area hobby shops. Hours were 9-4 each day. Parking was free at the ramps around the KI Convention Center. 

I am not sure what I was expecting but I do know it was not what I expected it to be. I was expecting lots and lots of model trains. There were a handful of displays and many vendors selling model train cars, tracks, and accessories. It was train show and swap meet in one. I just wanted to see trains.

When we first walked in, we were greeted by a Lego Train display. Even the hubby was impressed. He didn't realize all the different kinds of Lego sets out there. It was one of my favorite displays.

My other favorite display was by The Wisconsin and Michigan Model Railroad Club. This is where I finally realized bringing train set ups to train shows was not an easy feat. I forgot how intricate these set ups were. The volunteer explained how the display was broken and a packed up to travel to these shows. I guess I'm used to seeing displays in buildings where they don't have to move them. 

Their display was full of details and even had a scavenger hunt to find all the little details.

Another set up you don't see very often is the industrial set up where you have factories versus mountains and towns. 

Each display was unique.


For $7, it was not a bad way to spend the morning. I would probably go again just to see the displays. I like all the details where the hubby likes the actual trains. 

Next year show is in May. It does vary by the year and probably availability of the KI Convention Center. If you like trains, it is worth checking out.

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