Sunday, April 23, 2023

146. See the Northern Lights -- Take 2

 There were a lot of reports that there was a good chance at seeing the Northern Lights in Northeastern Wisconsin. The conditions were right -- big solar flare and clear skies. I thought I may have seen them a few years back but there weren't very bright. I didn't have high hopes this time around either.

I went to bed and around 11:30 the hubby came and woke me up saying if I wanted to see the Northern Lights to come outside. If I looked through my phone's camera I could faintly pick up the colors from the driveway.

We decided to get in the car and head a bit out of town. We headed north northwest towards Freedom and Seymour. Using the camera on my phone, I got much better pictures. I just wish the hubby would have just parked somewhere so we could enjoy them more instead of driving and looking at them.

There were impressive but not a lot of pinks but definitely green and even some dancing. 

One day I hope to see them over the water in Door County and maybe if I'm really lucky in Alaska or Iceland. I'm not holding my breath on those. For now this midnight road trip will have to suffice. 

If the Northern Lights forecast is right, take a few minutes to see if you see them. Sometimes you have to use your phone's camera to pick them up. They are pretty dang cool to see.

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