Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Author Talk -- Kate Albus

 Kimberly and Neenah libraries were each hosting an author and of course I wanted to check it out. However, when I saw that it was a middle grade book, I wasn't too sure about it anymore. When I did the resin paperweight, the librarian said adults were enjoying the book too. I downloaded A Place to Hang the Moon by Kate Albus on audiobook hoping to finish before the event.

Kimberly's event worked out better in my schedule. I got to the library and realized most of the adults there were teachers. There weren't a lot of people so I couldn't blend it too much. At least I didn't have anyone next to me.

Kate Albus is from Maryland so not a local author. I assumed she was a local author as many authors we get are local. It was her first time to Wisconsin and was impressed by the giant lake she fly over to get into Milwaukee. After the event she was going to get cheese curds. A true Wisconsin experience.

A Place to Hang the Moon is set in WWII Britain when children were being transported out of London into the country to keep the safe from the air raids, also known as Project Pied Piper. The children in the book were orphans sent to a village to try to find a new family without telling their billeting family their were looking for a new home. It is interesting story and the second book I have heard recently about Project Pied Piper. 

Kate talked about how stories are all around us and where she finds her stories. A Place to Hang the Moon came from a line in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. It is interesting how a line, a phrase, or even a picture can spark an idea for a story because you want to learn more.

Kate was an amazing speaker and very interesting to listen to. I could have listen for hours and she probably had many stories to tell. Because I have a fairly strict no new books unless unread and autographed, I did not stick around to buy her book and meet. If her new book was published, I would have gotten that. I kind of feel bad but I only have so much room for books. 

If you get a chance read A Place to Hang the Moon. It is a quick read and quite fascinating to see what the kids went through. 

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