Monday, March 27, 2023

23 in 2023: Discover at least 1 new brewery -- Timber Tap

I got an email from Kimberly Library inviting me to an event there were having at a new brewery in Kimberly -- Timber Tap. We would learn about the beer making process and sample some beer. Sign me up. The hubby was like can I go too? So I signed both of us up.

Timber Tap is still under construction and hope to open by end of April or beginning of May. It is located in the same building as the coffeeshop and BBQ place right downtown Kimberly on the corner of Kimberly Ave and Birch St.. It is a bit hard to find since they are on the backside of the building. Luckily one of the librarians directed us and they had signs out. 

The owners Paul and Carol introduced themselves, gave a little bit of a backstory about brewing beer in their basement for family and friends, and then explained how brewing small batch craft beer really is created. They had a very nice Power Point Presentation and handouts.

As they went through their presentation, they let us sample three of their beers: Red Ale, Porter, and a Cold IPA. We also sampled Malt Tea.

The Red Ale was not bad. I would order this if I was here with a group. It was not too beer-y. 

The Malt Tea was interesting. It is just sample of the wort or the liquid extracted from the malting process. It has no alcohol content yet as it has yet to be fermented with yeast. Malt Tea has the flavor of the malt used. I didn't real taste anything. It was kind of bland. The hubby tried this one too. 

The Stout was actually my favorite and I don't like dark beers. Either my beer palate is evolving or this one was especially good. It was not bitter at all. I would have to fight Stacy for this one if we had a flight.

The Cold IPA was my least favorite. It definitely was very hoppy. I was not at all but did finish my beer.

After the presentation, we had the opportunity to see the backroom where the brewing process would take place. It is small and reminded me of Basil's set up at Down Time Wines

We also got to sample spent grain cookies. There were white chip cranberry and chocolate chip. I preferred the chocolate chip but both were good. 

I already told Stacy that if we need a beer when she's up here for cookie baking that we should check this place out. Even the hubby, a non-beer drinker, was impressed. It will be a happening spot in Kimberly come summer. It is definitely worth checking out as they will also carry other guest taps.

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