Wednesday, March 8, 2023

162. Go to Lake Okeechobee

 One of the things I wanted to do in Florida was see Lake Okeechobee, the largest lake in Florida. It was near where we would be. After realizing we could bypass the interstate on the way back from the Everglades and see Lake Okeechobee, I penciled it in. The hubby quite didn't understand why. Honestly neither did I. It was on the original bucket list and that was a good enough reason for me.

Coming from the south, Lake Okeechobee is not as easy to see or get to as I would imagine. I was imaging being able to drive along the highway and see this large lake. That was not the case. There is an huge embarkment surrounding the lake, probably to protect nearby villages from flooding so you can't just drive along the highway and see it.

We found a road that would take us up and over the embarkment. It was a place that allowed fisherman to access the lake. 

The hubby was less than enthused to check out a giant lake after a long day of driving and fun in the Everglades. He did let me snap a few pictures.

There was a sign that said manatees were in the lake but didn't let go see if I could see any. 

The northern portion of the lake looks to have more to do and see than the southern portion from what I could gather on the map. Maybe one day I will be able to explore the lake a bit more. I would still say check it out but like the hubby said it's only a giant lake.

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