Friday, March 10, 2023

169. Go to Cocoa Beach

 The one thing I wanted to do in Florida was take the hubby to see the ocean. He saw the ocean when we were in Rhode Island and was not impressed. That's the North Atlantic. I wanted him to see what the ocean looked like in Florida. It's completely different. The hubby wasn't all about going to the beach. He thought we would see the ocean from Kennedy Space Center. It's kind of there but you really don't see it.

We never really had an opportunity earlier in the week to get near the ocean. Since we got done with Kennedy Space Center earlier than expected, I took advantage of this and directed the hubby towards Cocoa Beach. I feared I was going to regret this since it was the first day of spring break but getting there wasn't as bad as I expected.

We parked in the lot by Ron Jons's Surf shop for $5/hour. There use the same parking app as Appleton so it was pretty easy to pay. We checked out Ron Jon's but the hubby was not impressed. It was a whole lot bigger than I remembered. We did not go out the main entrance so I did not get any fun pictures. 

Then we wandered down to the beach. There was the Beach n Boards Fest going on. The hubby really didn't let me check it out.

We walked down the boardwalk to the beach.. the glorious beach. 

I even managed to convince him to walk to the water's edge and with a little convincing he actually stood in the ocean. However he didn't quite grasp the concept of letting your feet sink in the sand to "anchor" you in place and was holding onto me with dear life.

After grabbing some ice cream for lunch and washing the sand off our feet, we headed to the car only to find a parking ticket. We still had 20 minutes left in our hour. I double triple checked the spot and everything. I contested it and before we hit the freeway, it was taken care of. Apparently they have issues with their system. 

I'm glad the hubby finally got to see the pretty ocean. He may not have been impressed but nothing is better than sun and surf on a clear day. I just wish we had time to enjoy the beach but I will take what I can get. Maybe next time.

Cocoa Beach is my second favorite beach in Florida after Jax Beach. It is worth checking out. Parking could be an issue but if you are patient enough or get there early in the day it isn't that big of a deal. 

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