Thursday, September 22, 2016

Stadium Tour 2016: Miller Park

The Brewers had 1 last home stand before the end of the season and the hubby wanted to go. He wanted to go bad enough that he was okay skipping a meeting to go. Honestly, I checked out of baseball when football began and really didn’t care if we went or not. It’s not like we have never been to Miller Park before.

The hubby found front row tickets for $100/person just past the Brewer’s dug out and camera pit. We’ve never sat in the first row. We got lucky and ended up sitting 2nd row a few years ago when a guy gave us his seats when we were walking in. He just wanted the Robyn Yount Bobblehad. Now not only are we going to another game this, we’re sitting in the first row. Great! Duck and Cover Territory and neither of own a glove anymore.

Close enough to smell the dirt

I am glad Miller Park has a roof since it was calling for rain. I would not have been happy if we spent $200 on tickets and the game got rained out. Luckily the rain didn’t start before we got inside so we didn’t even get wet walking to the stadium from the car.

We have been to Miller Park (and County Stadium before that) numerous times. Until we visited other stadiums, I didn’t realize how drab and unimpressive Miler Park truly is. It is missing the WOW factor that many of the other stadiums have that we have visited. Miller Park feels industrial. Everything is painted in this enchanting shade of gunmetal green and industrial grey. Even the concession stands are drab in comparison to other stadiums. I understand that it is a dome stadium but it feels more like a warehouse or a factory than a baseball park.

Sitting in the front row does have its perks if you don’t mind 50 other people in your space trying to get players’ attention before the game for an autograph. Keon Broxton stopped by and let people sign his cast, sign autographs, and take pictures. The hubby got his hat signed and I get my picture taken. Scooter Gennett was over for a little bit after the National Anthem until he realized he better get on the field. I would have liked a picture with Scooter.

Even though we were sitting Duck and Cover Territory, we had only a few balls come our way. One there was a scramble for and the guys next to us go the ball. That was the closest one. The other one was a pop up in foul territory that the first baseman caught. Because it wasn’t third out, he had to give the ball back to the pitcher. Even the players were stingy giving balls away on the third out or after warm ups.

The game itself was kind of boring. The first 3 innings took forever. The Brewers end up losing 4-1. We had more fun watching the first base umpire. It’s pretty sad when I notice his pants are wrinkled and that he’s not in a traditional position. He spent most of the game pacing up and down the line.

The other highlight of game was when Counsell got thrown out of the game for arguing a foul ball didn’t hit off the batter’s foot. He really went at the home plate umpire The hubby said watching the replay of the game later the ball clearly didn’t go off the guy’s foot. Counsell should have asked to see the ball.

This was my fifth and final Major League Baseball game of the year unless somehow we end up getting Cubs play-off or World Series tickets. I have seen all 5 National Central Teams play at one stadium or another. I’ve been to 3 of 5 National Central Stadium. It must be the year of the NL Central.

As long as the hubby keeps on wanting to visit more stadiums, I will continue to go. His short list includes Detroit, Kansas City, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh. My Top 5 Stadiums now are Yankee Stadium, Camden Yards, Kaufmann Stadium in Kansas City, Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, and PNC Park in Pittsburgh (last of the NL Central Stadiums). Turner Field (or whatever they end up naming the new stadium) makes the list at Number 6 only because Pittsburgh snuck in there after we went to St. Louis. Until we find out if and where the hubby would go for a World Series, I am waiting to find out what stadiums we get to go to next year.

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