Monday, September 19, 2016

Dots, Buttons, and Paper Flowers

Last Friday, I texted Danielle asking her if she wanted to do dinner after we picked up our race packets. She said there was that food truck rally thing we were both interested – another Facebook find. When she said that, I remembered that the food trucks were going to be at Art on the Town. The theme was PARK(ing) Day and it sounded like artists would create “parks” in the parking spaces but it would be cancelled if the weather didn’t cooperate. Strathmore Artist Papers would also be giving away bags of free art supplies. We decided to check it out.

Art on the Town is supposed to run 6-9 and for some reason I thought it started earlier so we were perplexed until someone mentioned it to us. In the meantime, we wandered through a few stores and had dinner from Mr. Tacos. It definitely wasn’t street food as we both wished we had forks. My tacos were so messy I couldn’t pick up the second one.

One of the first things we did during Art of the Town was so appropriate for me. We wrote what we wanted to do before we died on the giant chalkboard. I was torn between saying completing my bucket list or go to NYC.

I ended up saying

Danielle wants to

It was fun to see what other people wanted to do before they died.

Some were serious.

Some were humorous.

Others might be hard to accomplish.

Then we received our free art supply bags. We each got a watercolor paper pad, a watercolor brush, and a tube of water color paint. There were other types of drawing books and markers. Now I just have to figure out what I am going to paint with my tube of blue paint.

As we wandered through downtown, we found a spot to fish. If we caught a fish, we could go into the Traveling Palette and create a dot. The dots would then be put on display outside by the paint cans. We both caught fish (my fish for the year, Danielle’s 2nd) and created our dots.

We went into one shop where we created mini buttons.

As we walked through downtown, we saw people carrying origami flowers. I wanted to make one. We found the origami flowers outside the Trout Museum of Art. They were a part of the museum’s bookmaking exhibit. Now I can’t fold origami to save my life, but I managed to create a half-way decent looking flower. It was way simpler than it looked.

We saw a few artists working on projects either on the street or in a store/bar.

It was funny, we probably only planned on staying for a little bit but spent over 2 hours at Art on the Town. It was really the first time either of us visited any of the stores downtown. If I knew what Art on the Town really was about, I probably would have checked it out sooner. I will definitely be checking out more of them next year.

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