Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Soggy Night for Minor League Play-off Baseball

I come home from work and the hubby was home. He was supposed to be at middle school football but it was cancelled because apparently they didn’t want the kids getting hurt. He asked what I wanted to do tonight. He said we could go to the Brewers game or the T-Rats game and it was my choice since I had to work in the morning. Since the T-Rats were in the play-offs, I wanted to see them more. My only concern was the weather since it was raining most of the day. He said the radar looked clear once the current batch of rain went through.

Well the hubby and the radar lied. It rained most of the game. At times it wasn’t much more than a fine mist. Other times it was a light rain. The rain kept most of the fans away since there were only about 350-375 people at the game. This benefited me greatly. I ended up with many freebies and a game ball.

When we got there it was raining lightly. We decided to walk the concourse before going to our seats. The hubby ran into one of the ushers he knew and ended up talking to him for a while. I sat down in a seat under the overhang. The hubby joined me after he was done talking. We stayed there for about half the game. We were right behind 1st base and the hubby could see home plate just fine. In the fifth or sixth inning, we decided to move down to the 2nd row to have a better chance of getting a ball and it really wasn’t raining that hard. These new seats were great. We could see everything and didn’t let a little rain stop us. The couple in front of us left and we moved to the first row to put our feet up on the rail better and stretch out. After Cedar Rapids were done warming up between innings, I asked for a ball and he went in the dugout and got me a game ball. We never actually sat in our seats that our tickets were for.

The game itself was not very good. The T-rats and Cedar Rapid were playing a best of 3 series with the next 2 games in Iowa. This was almost a must win for the T-Rats but they came out flat almost like they didn’t want to play in the rain. The T-Rats got 2 hits to lead off the bottom of the first but couldn’t score. Cedar Rapids scored in the second and third to take 3-0 lead. The T-rats tied in the bottom of the 5th. However, the Kernels broke it open in the 6th. The final was 11-3. It fit the mold of lopsided games this year but I wish the T-Rats played better. The first baseman didn’t have a good night. One guy didn’t hustle down to first after a dropped 3rd strike. It was just a lot of mental errors. Things that shouldn’t happen in play off baseball.

I got to see a playoff baseball game even if it was minor league baseball. We finally went to our first (and only) T-Rats game of the year. For $35 it was a pretty cheap date night and that included dinner at the ball park.

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