Saturday, September 17, 2016

Going down the Rocket Slide

Every kid in Neenah knows about the Rocket Slide at Riverside Park and adults remember the old rocket slide. I’ve always wanted to go down the Rocket Slide especially the old metal one but that one was replaced because it became too dangerous.

Image result for neenah rocket slide
Original Rocket Slide
Photo Courtesy of Google

After the Fox Cities 5K, I had my chance since the race began and ended in Riverside Park. I told my nephew that he should go down the rocket slide for me while I ran the race. He readily accepted the challenge but after the race he said he wanted Aunt Amy to go down the slide too.

Image result for neenah rocket slide
New Rocket Slide
Phone courtesy of Google

I thought the Rocket Slide, being plastic, was going to be kind of slow going down. It was actually quite fast and I felt like I was on a water slide. I learned that climbing up the metal rungs of the ladder to reach the slides in socks is painful on the feet. I took off my flip flops to avoid drag on the slide.

At one point, my nephew had to climb up the slide to get my phone that stuck on the way down. After that I left the phone with Danielle to take pictures. Apparently I had to go down the slide more than once according my nephew. We went down about 3 or 4 times before I told him it was time to leave.

I’m sure I’ll be back to the park with my nephew. He even may drag me down the slide again. I just wish I had the chance to go down the old rocket slide.

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