Thursday, June 22, 2023

5077. See the Red Mill Covered Bridge in Waupaca

 Last year I told the hubby I wanted to visit the covered bridge in Waupaca. I googled it and found it was right off the highway so we checked it out. It was a covered bridge but not THE covered bridge. It turns out that covered bridge is the Red Mill Covered Bridge was recently re-opened to the public. I still wanted to go.

When planning our Waupaca County Library Road Trip, I was made sure the Red Mill Covered Bridge was a stop. I'm sure the hubby would have taken me... eventually. This way I was certain to get there.

The Red Mill Covered Bridge is just outside of Waupaca about 5 miles off of Hwy 10 on County Road K. It is open Wednesday-Monday 7-5. 

To get to the Covered Bridge, you have to go down some stone steps to get to the other side of the barn and follow the path for a short distance. 

In front of you will be a gorgeous red covered bridge spanning the banks of the Crystal River. Follow the path you walk through the covered bridge. 

On the other side of the bridge is a small wedding chapel. It is a gorgeous setting for a country wedding.

After exploring the covered bridge, we went inside the old mill and browsed. There is a small ift shop spanning several rooms of the mill.

There is also a coffee shop and ice cream parlor. I really wanted ice cream but due to time constraints, it was easier to drink a beverage than eat ice cream while driving. Heather and I both ordered beverages and sat down to wait... and wait.. and wait. It seemed to take an awfully long time for our drinks when we were the only people ordering  drinks. Everyone else wanted ice cream. 

Finally we got our drinks. The small seemed really small. Heather had her iced coffee gone in about 3 sips. I took a little longer to finish my raspberry iced chai latte but it is so good. I really need to remember to add raspberry to my chai lattes.

Stopping at the Red Mill took longer than expected but it was worth the detour. The covered bridge is gorgeous and I am sure in fall it is absolutely stunning. If you ever find yourself in the Waupaca area, it is definitely worth the trip.

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