Thursday, June 22, 2023

5058. Go to the New London Public Museum

 While researching our library road trip, I discovered that New London Public Museum is in the basement of the New London Public Library. Of course we had to check it out.

The New London Public Museum is open 10-5 M-F and is free to visit. It is not a large museum by any means but it is worth checking out. If you are a quick museum visitor like me, it will take you about 15-20 minutes. If you read everything like my cousin, maybe an hour or 90 minutes.

Like most local history museums, it feature tools and implements for years ago.

I enjoyed looking at all the different products that were once were or are still made in the New London area. I love seeing what was made where as I tour local museums. 

The museum founder was bigger into taxidermy especially birds. His collection is in the museum. I am not a huge fan of stuffed creatures. There were too many birds for a small space.

I did find it amusing they did have a Freedom Irish Baseball schedule on the wall next to the display on the New London BABA team. 

Like I said it is a small museum but it does have enough in there to make it worth a visit especially if you are in New London for lunch or something. It is worth going to just to check out the stuffed birds. 

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