Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Salt Art Fun

 After wine tasting, the weather cleared up some so Danielle and I decided to head to Smith Park for Art in the Park. They said they would have a variety of crafts and just to stop in. 

Just like the City Carnival, it was geared towards elementary school kids and tweens. It said all ages. Yeah not really for adults. There was sponge painting, nail polish, bracelet making, play doh creations, and other things that just did not interest us. 

There was one thing that we decided wasn't too easy and decided since we drove all the way here, we might as well partake. That was salt painting.

Salt painting is rather simple.

1. Draw a design on paper with glue. 

2. Pour salt over glue

3. Using water color paints or water with food coloring in it, paint the salt.

4. Let Dry. This step is very, very important. Failure to let it dry, will result in the colors running and the artwork.  I learned this the hard way.

Okay so it was not a masterpiece art project, I was hoping for but as Danielle said, it got us out of the house and gave us something to do. 

Hopefully next year Mother Nature cooperates so they can do balloon paint art. If not, I'm not going. 

This is a great activity if you have kids that like art and need to burn off some creative energy. If you are an adult looking for a fun art project, check out the local libraries. 

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