Sunday, July 17, 2022

5198. Go to the John Michael Kohler Arts Center

 While Andrea and I were strolling through the Kohler Arts Festival, I mentioned I don't think I ever been in the Arts Center. Since it was warm out and the Arts Center was air conditioned going inside didn't seem like a bad idea especially since neither of us had an urge to buy art.

The John Michael Kohler Arts Center is located near downtown Sheboygan and is open Tuesday through Sunday and is free to visit. The building used to be the Kohler Mansion.

The first exhibit we checked out was Woody De Othello: Hope Omens. This was a ceramic sculpture exhibit. The sculptures were very good but I couldn't pose as the sculptures. It runs through September 25th.

We checked out the pin exhibit that was created by a blind women who can tell colors by the heat they give off. During COVID not all the colors were available so her pieces were a lot more monochromatic.

The Sarah Zapata: a resilience of things not seen exhibit was a fiber arts exhibit. Her work was unusual. I don't normally thing of rugs and other fabrics as art but her sculptures were very cool. Her exhibit is there until August 28th.

I really enjoyed the In The Adjacent Possible exhibit. It was bright and colorful. It features various artists and will be there until March 2023. 

Andrea made me sit in the green shag chair that was part of the exhibit.

Of course I had to do a tree poise as well

No visit to the John Michael Kohler Arts Center is complete without checking out the bathrooms. Each one is unique. Where else do you check out the restrooms just to see what they look like?

Outside around the Art Center is various stone sculptures. You definitely need to check out some of them. My favorite was the castle.

The John Michael Kohler Arts Center is worth checking out. Their exhibits are very modern and fun. I would go back and see future exhibits. 

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