Saturday, July 23, 2022

7039. See an outdoor soccer game

A few months back, I saw that Bayern Munich was coming to play a soccer match at Lambeau and sent out a who wants to go message on Facebook. A few weeks later, Stacy asks if I wanted to go um.. yes please. The hubby even said he'd go.

Now none of us are soccer fans. Stacy and I like Bayern Munich just because they are from Bavaria but neither of us could tell you the rules or much more than they wear red jerseys. The hubby figured it would be a once in a life time opportunity. 

Luckily, the Packers treated the soccer game like a Packer game and ran the same busses they do for a Packer game. That made getting to Lambeau super easy. We parked in DePere and rode the bus for free. No headaches trying to get in and out of the Titletown District, finding a place to park, or walking miles to get to the stadium after parking. 

Stacy got us great seats. We were in the new section so we had traditional stadium with backs versus metal bleachers AND we were under an overhang. This proved beneficial when the storms came and we (and our seats) stayed dry. We were in the corner which was fine because we could see the whole pitch.

Despite two rain delays (a rarity in soccer), the match was exciting to watch or as an exciting as soccer gets. The rainy weather I think benefited Manchester City since they are from England and deal with rainy weather more so than Germany. 

Manchester City won 1-0. There were more goals scored but apparently they were not counted due to penalties or something. Unlike baseball or football, there is minimal announcing due live play and so we rarely knew what was actually going on besides guys kicking a ball back and forth. 

The atmosphere was different than a Packer game. The weather did take some of the steam out of the crowd but it was much more subdued than what I expected for a soccer game. Because of our higher up seats, we did not need to stand the whole game. The main seating bowl was standing the whole game which from what I am told was normal.

Given the right opportunity I would definitely see another soccer match. I am not keen on learning the rules or playing myself but a really good match-up or even the World Cup  would definitely interest me. 

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