Sunday, July 17, 2022

5212. Go to Kohler Arts Festival in Sheboygan

 I promised Andrea I'd come down to Sheboygan after my last Sheboygan adventure and we'd go to the Art Preserve. I get to her house and she was like we could go to the Art Preserve or we could go to the Kohler  Arts Festival. Since the Arts Festival was closer to the beach where we needed to do a photo shoot, I opted for the Arts Festival.

The Midsummer Festival of the Arts is located in and around City Green and the Kohler Art Center. We found parking a block or so away and walked down to the festival. 

There was a stage with music. It was a Hispanic band that was quite good.

Several food trucks lines up on the street including this really cool one that had poke bowls. Since we already had lunch, we skipped the food trucks and opted for ice cream down by the lake later.

Since we weren't too crazy about wandering around outside of the Art Center looking at art we weren't going to buy and pretend to be interested in it, we opted to check out the Kohler Art Center. You can read more about that here

After touring the museum, we headed back outside and visited the craft tent. Inside they were featuring fiber arts and we could make our own coin purse using various fiber art materials.. plastic yard craft sheets, felt, fabric, yarn, embroidery floss, etc. There was glue and needles to help with the construction of the coin purse. 

Needless to say we weren't the greatest fiber artists. I forgot to sew the red circles on before creating my coin purse so I had to glue them and then attempt to stitch them on to hold them better. Andrea said she'd finish at home.

The Midsummer Festival of the Arts is fun for the whole family. Even though we didn't really check out the art vendors, there was still plenty to see and do... and eat. If I'm in the area again next year, I would stop by and check it out again.

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