Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A Midweek Wine Tasting

 Danielle and I talked about going to Art in the Park at Smith Park but the weather wasn't really cooperating. She then mentions that Club Liquor was having a wine tasting and it was free. Free wine? Of course, I'll leave the house for that.

The featured wine of the evening was Heitz Cellar, a wine out of Napa Valley, CA. Neither of us ever heard of them but we were willing to try them. 

There were four wines to taste -- all Cabernet Sauvignons, just from different years. There were also a few nibbles.. salami and tomatoes to munch one.

My favorite was the last wine we tried which was the 2010 vintage. I'm not a huge Cabernet Sauvignon fan because it's usually a dry red but this one was really good. Danielle said we couldn't afford any bottles. It was good but not that good anyways. The hubby won't like it.

I did not know Club Liquor did wine tastings but I would definitely go to another one given the chance. It was a nice time with good wine. Now I just need to figure out how to learn about their tastings.

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