Saturday, May 21, 2022

Random Roadside Attraction -- The Hula Hoop Tree

 On our way to SoLu Winery, Stacy and I passed this tree. It had hoops hanging from the branches. I told Stacy I needed to go back and get a picture of that tree. It was too random not to. 

After we enjoyed the winery, Stacy drove back down County Road F towards Hwy 28. I spotted the tree and Stacy turned around so I could get out and get a picture of the tree. Since I'm directionally challenged, the tree is on the right hand side of Hwy F as you head towards the winery from Hwy 28.

There is no parking or anything. We just pulled off to the side of the road. I hopped out of the car and snapped a few pictures. 

I personally liked the random hula hoop crossing sign. I didn't think of trying to hula hoop. The road was busy and I didn't want Stacy waiting too long on the side of the road. Besides who would take a picture of me.

This Hula Hoop Tree doesn't even make the list of Roadside Attractions in Wisconsin on Roadside America otherwise it would probably have been on the bucket list.

I love finding random roadside attractions. This has to be a new favorite. Who knows what I will find on my next adventure.

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