Saturday, November 3, 2018

Picking the Brains of Psychological Thriller Authors

In case you haven't noticed I am a bit of a bookworm and library groupie. I love books. The hubby says I can't buy anymore books unless I get rid of one but I have far less books than most bookworms. 

Besides reading books, I love meeting authors that I have read. Book festivals are great way to do this. Those only happen once a year. But book tours happen all the time and once in a great while, an author will come to the Fox Valley on their book tour. This is how I ended up spending a few hours at Barnes and Nobles listening to Mary Kubica, Mindy Mejia, & Kate Moretti talk about their books. 

I have heard of Mary Kubica and read two of her books but I never heard of the others. I figured I'd meet Mary, get a book signed and be on my merry way like the hubby and I did last year when a local sports author was there. Oh no this was a whole formal event just like the book festival. It was very enjoyable.

Mary, Mindy, and Kate all talked about their books and their craft. One of them would pose a question "Tell how you got started writing" and then everyone would answer. After about an hour or so they opened the floor to questions. After another 30 minutes of questions or so, they signed books. 

The afternoon flew by and went much longer than expected. I was only planning on buying one book since I didn't know Mindy or Kate. However after hearing them speak, I did pick up Mindy's latest book. Hopefully it will become a book club read. 

I can't wait to the next author visit. I don't care if it's at the library or a bookstore. I always learn so much and the authors are always so pleasant. 

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