Sunday, November 11, 2018

A Little Bit of Birthday Bowling Fun

When one of our nephews was having his birthday party at the bowling alley, the hubby and I decided it was time for a little bit of friendly competition. The last time we bowled was back when we were dating.. over nine years ago. The hubby is a fairly decent bowler or was back then and I am a fairly pathetic bowler who only broke a 100 once... and that was the last time I bowled.

I was a bit worried how I was going to be able to bowl with my foot. I wasn't sure if it was going to like wearing a real shoe. However for the most part my foot was fine... my bowling on the other hand was just as bad as it always was.

I have a really bad bowling form. I literally walk up to the line.... stop.... bend... and release the ball.. and hope for the best. It doesn't help that I have a really bad cross body hook. However, as the frames went by I slowly started to realize this and actually compensated by starting pretty much all the way to the right. It doesn't help though when I only left the 7 (10?) pin and had to try to throw it straight down the lane without going in the gutter.

I finished last in the first game. I was just warming up and trying to remember how to do this bowling thing. The hubby beat me and his step dad. He was not bowling his greatest either. He was just slightly better than the rest of us. It was probably a good thing that the three of us were on the same lane as we were pitiful at times.

I did slightly better in the second game and beat the hubby's stepdad. It helped that I focused on what I was doing as well and not just throwing the ball down the lane. That is when I had the most problems.

Not only did I break an 100 in the last game, I also beat the hubby to win the third and final game. I started the game with a strike and had another one later on. It also helped that I didn't get back to back gutter balls after through those strikes.

Maybe one day before the end of the year we will go back and bowl another couple of games since we have free passes but then again it might be 10 years before we bowl again...

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