Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Craxi at the Movies: Crimes of Grindelwald

As soon as I heard Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald was coming out, I got tickets. I am not much of a movie goer. I think the last movie I saw in the theaters was Fast and Furious 8... in Costa Rica. I really wanted to see this one.

Honestly I was not overly impressed. It was good but it lacked something. I spent the first half of the movie confused as hell as who was who and who was doing what even though I know the Harry Potter story line and saw the last Fantastic Beast movie. I just couldn't make heads or tails of the beginning of the movie.

Once everything started to make sense, it was over. It literally left you hanging for the next movie. They exposed a huge twist and then rolled the credits. I have to go back and read Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows to confirm the twist.  I also have to wait two years to find out what happens next.

There were other very non-Harry Potter aspects of the movie that just irked me.

1. The teachers at Hogwarts when the movie took place wore regular fancy clothes like three piece suits... where are the cloaks and pointy hats??? It was more like a muggle boarding school than the greatest school for witchcraft and wizardry.

2. I thought they were at Beauxbatons (the French wizardry school) instead of Hogwarts based on how they cut to Hogwarts. It really didn't make sense at the beginning of the scene. It took a long to figure out they were at Hogwarts and that the man teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts was Dumbledore.

3. Speaking of Dumbledore, if the movie took place in the 1920s like it supposed to then Dumbledore really aged in 60 years which I suppose is possible. Dumbledore looked NOTHING like he should have in the movie. He opted for three piece suits and no beard. He didn't seem anything like Dumbledore. Very disappointing.

I get that they are really separate movies but please bring back the wizard robes.

I also need to get my hands on a Sirius Black Family tree. There is a character in the movie that could possible be a relative but doesn't seem so dark. More things to leave you hanging for the next movie.

As much as I don't like to search the internet for the behind the scenes thoughts and tidbits I might just have to in order to figure out the mind set for this movie.. Maybe reading the screenplay will help.

Now don't let me deter you from going to the movie. It is worth seeing but be prepared to be confused, angry, and slightly betrayed while you watch it.

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