Sunday, July 29, 2018

6337. Make homemade French fries

Growing up steak and homemade French fries were a Sunday night treat. Mom would slice potatoes and deep fry them in oil. I've always wanted to make my own but never had a deep fryer (or basket). Now that we finally have a deep fryer, the hubby thinks that the homemade fries are too much work.

Well... the hubby is out of town which means I can cook all the things he doesn't like or want me to make.

Homemade fries are easy enough.

Peel some potatoes

Slice them into strips or chips (whatever you prefer). I tried to use my potato slicer gadget I got as a wedding shower gift.. yeah didn't work so well.

A mandolin would work for chips. I just ended up slicing them into strips. Didn't take me long at all.

Pat dry.

Deep fry until crispy.


My fries were a bit under cooked because there weren't very crispy but I was impatient and wanted to eat. However, I will be making these again the next time the hubby is out of town.

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