Sunday, July 22, 2018

A Little Wine Tasting to Start the Week off Right

When I found out I probably couldn't meet my cousins in Door County for some wine tasting like usual, I suggested they follow me to Green Bay and we hit Captain's Walk Winery. They agreed without any complaints.

Since Captain's Walk doesn't open until noon on Sundays, I was playing around seeing if there were any other wineries on the way to Green Bay that were 1. open on Sundays and 2. opened before noon. On a whim I decided to check "the horse" winery in Kohler. They opened at 11 on Sundays. Perfect... Kohler was on the way to Green Bay. We could hit two wineries neither of which they have been to before. What a nice way for them to start their vacation.

The "horse" winery is really The Blind Horse Winery but all I could remember was horse when I searched. Luckily Google knew what I meant. Andrea, Amanda, and I stopped here several years ago after Carroll's Homecoming and I thought it didn't fit my wine palate but since I have discovered more wines, I wanted to try it again and I knew my cousins would like it. As we learned, they change their wines up quite a bit so what I had a few years ago may not even been available anymore.

For $6, we each got to taste 5 wines (and got a glass to add to our collection). They have a lot of award winning wines. Like usual I stuck with sweeter wines and tried a sip of my cousins' wines as well. There really wasn't one I didn't like but I did have some favorites.

  • Gewurztraminer -- O.M.G. I can do a Gewurztraminer but it's not usually one of my favorites. However, theirs is a Summer Shady in wine form. Smooth and citrusy. This one came home with me and I can't wait to crack it open.
  • Flirty Birdy -- I picked this one solely based on it's name. It's good. The hubby definitely would like it. It's a sweeter, fruity wine.
  • Rose -- It was definitely smooth but it wasn't anything to write home about. 
  • Cabernet Sauvignon -- A cherry and black berry wine with hints of mocha and vanilla. You definitely can taste the vanilla. It's a very nice sipping wine for a cold winter's night. 
  • Ice Wine -- This was an extra dollar to taste but it was worth it. It's a sweet wine but the sweetness doesn't linger. For my first ice wine, it was really good.
  • Naked Chardonnay -- I am not a fan of Chardonnay since it's usually really dry but this one was smooth. Even my cousin who thinks Chardonnays as dry as well, liked this one.
  • Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve -- My cousin sampled this one and it's just aged longer than the regular Cabernet Sauvignon. It is different and smooth. It is one to sit and savor over a long meal or long night in front of the fire.
I am glad we stopped at The Blind Horse. Andrea and I may just have to get together here sometime in the near future for Christmas.

Our last stop of the day (well at least mine) was Captain's Walk Winery in Green Bay. Jeanne was impressed with all the old, large homes along the river on the way to the winery. We planned on having lunch at the winery since they had a small bistro. Small is right. The menu is very limited -- some pizzas, fondue, and appetizers. However, it is very good. We got some bread and a pizza. There was none left and I will definitely have lunch here again. The hubby won't do well for lunch here though. 

Since I was just here a few months back, I tried to sample different wines than I did last time. We also decided that we should all sample different wines/ciders so we could pretty much sample the entire selection by sharing. I think we ended up only doubling up on one maybe two wines. We each got 7 wines for $5 since we went with the select tasting. Let me tell you that's a lot of wine/cider.

  • Collaboration -- It was good but nothing I would write home about. It might be a good sharing wine.
  • Marquette Rose -- This was a new release. It's perfect for sharing. I definitely would grab a bottle of this to bring to a gathering.
  • Captain's White -- I think I tried this one last time. Apparently it's nothing special since I have no notes about it.
  • Disappearing Treasure -- It's another one that's good for sharing. It's nice and fruity. If I was going to buy wine here, this would be one of them.
  • Fume Blanc -- It's another new release but it was definitely not my kind of wine. I think it was too dry. 
  • Captain's Mistress -- WOW. This one should have came home with me. Sweet but not too sweet. It was just amazing.
  • Wisconsin Maple Brown Hard Cider -- It was good just like a glass of cider should be but it wasn't a favorite
  • Bourbon Barrel Brown Hard Cider -- This is a fall day in a glass. I would bring this to any fall gathering. Perfect fall campfire drink. My cousins wanted to bring back a growler to Kansas City but with the refrigeration need, it might not a survive three days in Door County and a 9+ hour drive back to KC. Fingers crossed it's still available in November.
  • Summer Funshine Hard Cider -- It wasn't bad. I prefer the Bourbn Barrel Brown though. 

After all that wine, it was time to head home. These are new favorite wineries of my cousins. I only take them to the best places. Thank you to Andrea for introducing me to The Blind Horse. I know there will be more wine tasting for us girls in the future. And if you are looking for 2 good wineries, these are good ones to check out. 

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