Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sipping Wine Floats for Dessert

My cousin talked about making wine floats back in June when we were all home. Due to time constraints that never happened but we made plans for them later this summer. Tonight was that night.

What is a wine float, you may be asking yourself. Well, it's exactly what it sounds like... a glass of wine with some ice cream in it. A grown up black cow.

To me it didn't sound that appetizing but I was willing to give it a chance. I am not a big fan of root beer floats because of the insane amount of ice cream in it. I also thought it would be better with sherbet but my cousin thought it might be overly sweet.

Making wine floats is not that difficult. Scoop some vanilla ice cream (or sherbet) into a glass. Pour wine over it. Enjoy.

My parents lack decent wine glasses that aren't a million years old, we had to figure out what to serve the floats in. Jeanne at first thought bowls. I was like Red Solo Cups.. those were too big so we went with the mini blue Solo Cups. Wine glasses would be ideal but the blue solo cups were also a perfect size and great for a party.

I am a wine float convert. These things were amazing. The best part was the creamy part that was leftover in the wine after you ate all the ice cream. It was creamy wine sauce. Yum.

We used a sparkling rose wine, Fissata but pretty much any sweeter wine would work. I would think a nice blush would be my choice since that is still my favorite kind of wine but white or red could work as well.

I may just have go get me some more wine and some vanilla ice cream for a sweet adult treat after a long day of work. Don't take my word for it though, go make your own wine floats.

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