Sunday, July 29, 2018

4716. Go to Art in the Park in Appleton

Art in the Park was one of those things I wanted to go but never was home for it. This year with the hubby in Indiana for a tournament, I was determined to go.
Art in the Park is an art fair with booths that line all the sides of City Park in Appleton. Artists from around the area and the state are displaying their art work for people to buy. There are all sorts of different art forms – glassworks, paintings, wood working, photography, pottery to name a few.

Honestly, it was not what I expected. I wanted to see more demos and actually have an opportunity to create art. I like looking at art but I’m not one to buy art mainly due to budget and decorating space. Besides I find most art not to be my taste even if it’s very well done. I feel bad visiting artists’ booths without the intent of buying – the same I do with visiting boutiques if I’m not going to buy. However, there were some very cool pieces of art that I did enjoy looking at.

There was a children’s area where kids could create several different art projects but nothing really for adults to do that didn’t want to just wander and look at art. There was a stage with some pottery demonstrations but again adults couldn’t try their hand at throwing a pot either. If you got there within the first hour, you could have snagged some free art supplies but I was just too late.

I honestly was bored. After walking around the perimeter and scoping out all the booths, there really wasn’t much else left to do. I did make a second pass with Tara and found a few neat booths. I contemplated getting a nine foot train but I thought the hubby wouldn’t appreciate it very much. 

There were perfect pendants for a few friends but slightly out of my price range. 

A Wisconsin sport team stained glass would have been nice if I wasn’t on a budget.

Would I go again? Maybe. It depends on who wanted to go. I decided it’s not really my thing. I like art but I’m not one to buy it. Besides it crowded, parking is a mile away, and food is expensive. I could have gone to art on the town and done pretty much the same thing. However, don’t let me deter you from checking it out and buying art yourself.

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