Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Big Boohaha -- Art After Dark

Last year, I enjoyed several Art After Dark events at the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass and was looking forward to more this year. They open up the museum up after hours and usually have a theme -- usually with characters or a special exhibit/event.

This month they featured a Halloween theme which is fitting for October. They said there was going to be haunting music and readings of Poe, Hamlet, and Harry Potter. Either Danielle and I got there super early before the party got started or there was a shortage of volunteers since I only saw a few of these special guests and no readings that I heard except when the person that was playing Poe or Hamlet was practicing.

Although we didn't hear any stories, we were "stalked" by a creepy old lady claiming this was her house back in the day.

She pointed out the hidden devils in some of the paperweights that was fine then she followed us upstairs and tried to get the glass to glow in the dark. Note to future self.. arrive later so can avoid creepy old ladies.

Besides we didn't need any help finding the creepiness of the paperweights upstairs. I pointed out that I found this paperweight a bit creepy....

Danielle proceeded to inform me that the roots of these flowers/trees/plants were actually humans. Apparently they brought out all the scary paperweights for this event.

As we moved back downstairs, we did see some cool glass pieces including a Chulily Piece. I love his work.

Very Dr. Seuss-like


More Dr. Seuss-like art

Another piece reminded me of Macaroni and Cheese.

On a whim, I decided to pose as the work of art and did it for a few pieces. Poe wanted to know how I was going to do the horse... I stopped when I got to the horse... too many people.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Now don't get me wrong. It was nice event. I just wish all the characters were telling stories. The museum did a good job at highlighting the creepy and scary pieces in the museum. I am not sure if they have always been out or if they just pulled them out for this display.

I am sure I will check out another After Dark Event this year.. hopefully without creepy stalker dead women.

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