Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Random Story Walk

After Danielle and I finished enjoyed some Art After Dark, we started to head home until we noticed these signs in Riverside Park. We decided to get out of the car and check it out. It turns out they were pages in a book creating a story walk.

I've heard of Kimberly-Little Chute Library doing story walks on specific days at various locations. I never knew there was a story walk in Neenah. It is a great concept. You get to read and get a walk done at the same time outside. It is a great family activity.

Once Danielle and I figured out we were at the end of the book (the pages were numbered), we followed the path around Riverside Park to find the beginning of the story. We found the start of the book and followed it back to my car. Zoe's Jungle by Bethanie Deeney Murguia is a cute story about what Zoe imagines to be a Jungle adventure.

Yes some of the signs needed fell over but we could pick them back up. It was very easy to follow the story line since the pages were numbered and for the most part the pages zigzagged along the path. Page 2-3 on the left.. Page 4-5 on the right... etc.

I am not sure how often Neenah Parks Department changes the story or if they are other story walks throughout the valley but I'd like to find more. It's always fun to read children's books and I'd love to bring the nephew or tag along with Danielle and Gavin on another one.

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