Friday, May 5, 2017

A traditional Costa Rican breakfast

The agents at the site decided they wanted to make me a traditional Costa Rican breakfast. I assumed this would have been on my last day. So when one of them walked in carrying a potato sack of bread this morning, I was quite surprised that it was this morning.

A traditional breakfast in Costa Rica is Gallo Pinto (rice and beans), scrambled eggs, and fried plantains which surprisingly enough is what is served most mornings in the cafeteria. The drink of choice is coffee or fresh fruit juice.

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Every one of the agents brought in something for the breakfast. We took an extended break so some of them could set up the food in the break room.

Not only was there Gallo Pinto with sour cream, scrambled eggs, and fried plantains, there was fresh bread, cheese, and fruit. Instead of coffee, there was orange juice.

I'm not a big fan of black beans but since they have no flavor, I learned to tolerate them. However, when you mix the beans and rice with sour cream, it turns Pinto Gallo into an amazing dish. I was really surprised what kind of flavor the sour cream brings to the dish.

I tried fried plantains my first day in Costa Rica and was not a big fan. I thought I'd give them another shot and nope I still don't like them. It's not really a texture thing since they are kind of a like a banana. It's definitely a flavor thing. I just can't get used to the flavor.

I am not sure what kind of cheese they had but it squeaked. For a girl from Wisconsin, this was heaven since it reminded me of cheese curds. The creamy white cheese was great by itself or on the bread for a cheese sandwich.

The agents went all out for breakfast and it was amazing. It was a nice time to sit and relax with one another too. I really appreciated the work they went through to put this breakfast together.

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