Monday, May 1, 2017

#5949. Eat a Churro

I can't believe I never had a Churro. I've seen them for sale but never actually ate one. Funny thing I associate Churros with Mexican food and they probably but they are actually Spanish and Portguese snack.

Picture courtesy of Google

One of the first nights I was in Costa Rica after dinner, the Boss Lady wanted a Churro Sundae. Since I'm always game for dessert and anything with the word sundae sounded good to me, dessert it was. We went to a place in the food court near the hotel called Crispy Churros -- an entire restaurant dedicate to the deep fried treats.

My first experience wasn't a traditional Churro with cinnamon and sugar. Oh no. I had Heaven in a Cup... 4 Churro Sticks shoved into a dish of ice cream with hot fudge or caramel and whipped cream. What's not to love... ice cream, caramel, hot fudge, and deep fried dough... All I have to say is "YUM".

Since Crispy Churro seems to a be local chain, MT and I stopped in one downtown San Jose to get out of the rain. We wanted a Churro Sundae (Heaven in a Cup) but that location didn't have Churro sundaes. Neither of us knew enough Spanish to figure out all that was on the menu we just had a regular order of Churros with Cinnamon and Sugar. I thought the sundae was good but these were just as good if not better because the Churro in the sundae are plain where a regular Churro is covered in cinnamon and sugar.

In a span of a week, I went from being a Churro-virgin to having them twice. I have to admit I was definitely missing out. I think I have to look for them back home. They are definitely a fair/ball game kind of food. Maybe I will get lucky and find some place I get to have them all year round.

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