Sunday, May 21, 2017

Another Year.. another Tea Party

This year's tea party had to be moved back two weeks due to my Costa Rican adventure. It is kind of difficult to have a tea party when you are the host and you are not even home. Even with Danielle not having a screened in porch this year, we made the tea party work.

The usual suspects were invited but not all were able to attend. However, Natalie and Gavin joined us for their first tea party. Janis and Shannon made appearances again this year and Erin became a regular with Danielle and I. Almost everyone had their fancy hat. I really need to invest in another one....

The menu featured a few of the usual suspects and a few new ones. In addition to scones and cucumber sandwiches, we had fruit, pecan crumble, coffee cake, and mini Victorian Sponge Cakes. Shannon make the Sponge Cakes and they were amazing. These should be a tea party staple with the chocolate chip scones and cucumber sandwiches.

Since Danielle moved and no longer has a front porch, we just ate in her kitchen which meant we really had no need for tea pots (or no space either). It was still nice to see all the tea pots and tea cups. I really love Danielle's assortment of tea cups. I think I need to start a collection.

It was really nice to take a few hours out of our Sunday to sit around and catch up on life. Since we all have busy lives, it is nice to take a breather once in a while and visit. We probably would have been there all afternoon if we didn't have lives to attend to.

This is one of the few times I drink tea but it's worth it. I am glad I had this on the bucket list and it has become an annual event. It's one of the fun things I know I have to put on the calendar in May along with the Celcom 5K. Hopefully this tradition will continue for many more years to come.

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