Sunday, April 30, 2017

Coffee and Ox Carts

Since my plans for the weekend got all shot to hell, I had to find something to do today. MT said he'd go on a tour if there wasn't a lot of walking so I checked out the tours offered by Costa Rica Guides which was recommended by the hotel. The Doka, Grecia, and Sarchi Tour, where we would see the Doka Coffee Plantation, a Metal Church, and the Ox-Cart Factory, seemed interesting enough and MT agreed.

Because Poas Volcano was very active and the area around it was closed, we had to take a different route up to Doka Coffee Plantation. We still got to travel part of the Pan-American Highway but we wouldn't go near the volcano so our guide took some very nice mountainous roads to get there.

Once we got to the Coffee Plantation, our guide tried to give us a tour of the coffee making process but each station already had a tour group. Our guide apparently didn't want us to wait so we learned about the roasting process. In case you are wondering light roast gets roasted 15 minutes (or 1 pop), medium roast 17 minutes (or 2 pops) and dark roast 20 minutes (or 3 pops). The dark roast really doesn't get roasted much longer than the light roast.

After the roasting lesson, we tried to learn about the harvesting process but other groups were coming out. Our guide then decided it was time for lunch.

Before we could have lunch, we got to sample Doka Coffee. We could have light or medium roast. I tried the Peaberry Medium Roast. Even though this is supposed to the best coffee in Costa Rica, I am still not a fan of coffee. It wasn't bad but I am wasn't ready go out and drink a whole cup of it.

Then we had lunch. It was traditional Costa Rican lunch buffet. Black beans and rice, salad, squash and corn vegetable medley, potato wedges, beef soup, and fried fish. This was the first time I had was brave enough try black beans and rice and I have to attempt it wasn't bad. The beans are tasteless. I probably won't ever order it by themselves but I would eat them again. Everything else was very good as well.

Once we were done eating, MT and I explored the butterfly garden. The garden was full of blue butterflies and they were quite hyper. I tried to catch one but was unsuccessful. When the butterflies are folded, they are brown with spots which makes a good camouflage in the rain forest but when they open their wings they are bright blue.

As we headed to our next stops, we drove the through the coffee fields which I honestly thought we weren't going to see. They were just beginning to flow. It was a bumpy but well worth it ride.

The next stop on our tour was supposed to be the famous Metal Church in Grecia. However because of some festival or it was Sunday, all we were able to do was literally drive by it and have the guide point it out. I was greatly disappointed that I didn't actually get to inside the church or even a decent picture of it.

After we got a glimpse of the church, we headed to Sarchi to see the World's Largest Ox-Cart. Costa Rican farmers use ox-carts in the fields to haul in their crops. This ox-cart is a tribute to the century old tradition. It was a quick photo op but we actually got to see it up close.

Next stop was the Ox-Cart Factory. Here we learned how they made ox-carts by hand yet. The factory runs on hydro-power from one water wheel and a small waterfall. The one water wheel turns the one axle that all the machines are connected to. When they need to use a machine, they just hook up a rubber belt and it turns the lathe or what ever machine they need. I had a great video of the process... or so I thought. It turned out to be just of the floor. I was quite annoyed that I didn't get a video of the old-school process. It was very ingenious. We had a little time to look around the gift shop before heading back home.

Despite not seeing the volcano and missing out on the church, it was a nice tour even if I was the youngest person on the tour. If my plans didn't change, I probably would never have seen the coffee plantation or the ox-cart factory. Many of the Costa Ricans at the office I talked to wasn't even aware of the Ox-Cart Factory. Even though I wish I could have seen waterfalls or a volcano, the Ox-Cart Factory is a hidden gem that was right up my alley. My advise if you have time to spare in San Jose, find a tour that is going to Ox-Cart Factory in Sarchi.

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