Sunday, July 7, 2024

5208. Go to the Calumet County Historical Museum in Chilton

 The hubby decided he wanted to check out the Calumet County Historical Museum so I added it to the list. We had some free time and decided to go check it out.

The Calumet County Historical Museum is located in Chilton just off of Hwy 57. It is only open Sundays 1-4 June through September. It is free to visit. Parking is behind the museum.

There are two buildings to the museum plus a small cabin. The first building has a lot of stuff in it. Stuff being the optimal word. It looked like a flea market. A lot of stuff was not labeled or labeled with numbers. It was a lot of random house hold items and farm implements that people would have used in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Some of it was very disorganized. Really the only thing cool in there was the 44 star US flag. 

The second building was the better of the two buildings. It illustrated all the one room schoolhouses in Calumet County and where they were. Someone put a lot of time in this and even found pictures of them. There was also a list of what happened to the schools. Most of the either were turned into residences or abandoned. 

The log cabin was a very small. It was really only one room but very interesting to see. It was built in 1860. I was slightly put off by the fact they put down carpet to protect the floor. It did not fit with the carpet at all. 

This really was not the hubby's better choices of things to do. I've seen better flea markets. If you like looking at old stuff, definitely check it out some Sunday afternoon. 

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