Saturday, June 25, 2022

6816. Make homemade granola

 For the cookie exchange, Janis made homemade granola. That stuff was addictive as heck. She gave us the recipe and I was meaning to make some. Finally I was sick of yogurt and decided to make her granola. 

The recipe is fairly straight forward. I just didn't have nuts or dried fruit in the house.

First you mix all the ingredients besides the nuts and fruit together.

Spread it on a baking sheet and bake. 

Stir periodically while baking.

Tip: Make sure you get put it in a bowl or something after you take it out of the oven so it doesn't dry on the foil and make it harder to get it off.

Mix in your fruit and nuts or my case chocolate chips and coconut.


It is super easy and super tasty. I will definitely make it again and maybe will remember to get walnuts or almonds for a nutty crunch. I should also get dried cherries or cranberries for a fruity mix in. We'll see about that. I liked the chocolate and peanut butter chips to give it sweetness.

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