Saturday, June 18, 2022

Checking out the Udderly Euro Car Show

 Heading to DQ we saw that Wisconsin Ave in Neenah was going to be closed for a car show. The hubby likes car shows and I have learned to enjoy them. Since the hubby didn't think he would get home in time to go, I decided to check it out myself.

The Udderly Euro Car Show is a car show that features European cars. It is located in and around Shattuck Park in downtown Neenah. It is free to go check out the cars and the cars are on display from 3-7.

It was a beautiful day to walk around and check out cars. There were parked on Wisconsin Ave, in Shattuck Park, and in the lot in Neenah 1. There were a few food trucks as long as a couple merchandise tents. It was a very well planned and organized event.

I knew this was a European Car Show but I didn't expect so many VWs, BMWs, and Audis in one place. There were very few other European brands. It was mainly VWs and BMWs. 

There were a ton on VW bugs and campers.

Maybe it's because I am the wife of Ford guy but this crowd was not my type of car show. Yes the cars were cool but I felt weirdly out of place. Even though I owned a BMW in the past, I just was not digging this car show. I wouldn't say it was pretentious but the vibe was just different than most car shows.

I am glad I checked it out and really don't need to go back. If someone asked me to meet them down there I would. If you are into VWs, BMWs, or other European cars, I would suggest checking it out. 

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