Sunday, January 23, 2022

22 in 2022: Try a new Fruit -- Kumquat Trials

 I enjoyed trying new fruits last year so I thought I would like to continue to try new fruits this year. At our crepe brunch, Erin surprised me and brought kumquats for us to try. 

Kumquats look like little mini oranges and are citrus fruit. You eat the rind and all.

I do not like kumquats. I do not like them at all. They are nasty little sour buggers that probably might be work as an alcohol infusion and that's about it. 

I took one bite and spit it out. Definitely won't be having them again any time soon. Maybe if I found a use for them besides popping them in mouth, I would be more apt to eat them again but straight up kumquats are not for me. Janis on the other hand loves them.

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