Sunday, September 5, 2021

2427. Go to Effigy Mound National Monument in Harpers Ferry

 Being the geek that I am, I have a National Parks Passport. I'm trying to collect as many stamps as possible and trying to knock off the close ones. Effigy Mounds National Monument is in Iowa. I tried to figure out how to get there when I dropped off (or picked up) the hubby from Iowa earlier in the summer but it wasn't going to work. I figured we could stop on our way to Cedar Rapids.

Effigy Mounds National Monument is located in Harpers Ferry or literally about 10-15 minutes from Prairie du Chen across the Mississippi. It was not hard to get to. 

Inside the visitor center is a small museum of the area and Native American culture.

When we went in the visitor center, I asked about the hike up to the first set of mounds. There is only one small mound cluster near the visitor center. The rest are up on the bluffs that surround the visitor center. I heard the hike to the top of the bluff is steep and not very easy. The park ranger informed us that it is relatively steep the first third of the way and then you have switch backs the rest of the way. When you get to the bench, you are about 2/3 of the way up. The hike is about a mile. The hubby and I decided to try it. 

I'll be honest. Devil's Lake and the trail from the lower trails to the higher trails at High Cliff, I thought were harder. Yes it was steep but it wasn't that bad. We even did it in flip flops. Sure we stopped and rested a few times but it was nothing the hubby couldn't handle. I was worried about going down in flip flops but it was not a problem. I would recommend wearing shoes though. Do not wear flip flops. People will look at you like you are crazy.

We only checked the first Effigy Mound -- Little Bear Mound Group. If we walked another 650 feet we could have seen another mound group. 

There are longer hikes as well. To reach Hanging Rock, it is a seven mile round trip hike. Due to time constraints and the hubby's hiking ability the hike to Little Bear Mound Group was fine. 

We also checked out the view of the Mississippi from the top of the bluff. 

If you are ever in Iowa or even southeastern Wisconsin take a drive over to Effigy Mounds National Monument. It is a great piece of Native American History. There is no cost to visit and there is a hike for every ability. I would definitely go back and hike even farther and check out more mounds.

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